
Facelift Turkey

What is Facelift in Turkey?

Facelift surgery in Turkey is a popular choice among many male and female individuals looking to improve the appearance of the face and reduce signs of facial aging. Over time the impact of sun exposure, the stresses of everyday life and gravity start to appear on our faces. These aging signs are manifested in deep creases, slackness of the jaw line and folds and fat deposits on the neck.

Facelift in Turkey or Rhytidectomy is a viable option to counteract these problems by removing fat and tightening skin and muscles — leaving your face with a youthful and vibrant appearance. 

Facelift Turkey
  • Total: Facelift + Brow Lift + Neck Lift

  • Half: Facelift + Neck Lift

  • Face Lift Surgery In Turkey

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Facelift Turkey Before and After

Types Of Face Lift Surgery

Not everyone has a matching level of facial sagging, which can change the degree of a face lift surgery. There are many types of facelift surgery in Turkey:

  • Total: Facelift + Brow Lift + Neck Lift

  • Mid facelift

  • Brow lift (Forehead lift)

  • Neck lift

  • Temple lift

  • Full facelift

Mini facelift surgery

It is a surgical procedure that takes approximately 2 hours under general anaesthesia. In a mini facelift in Turkey procedure, the incision starts from the front of the ear, extending behind the ear lobe. Mini face lift Turkey surgery basically targets saggy skin on the jawline and cheeks, because of which, the intervention is also called a lower facelift in Turkey.

Mid-facelift surgery

It is also known as cheek lift. Mid-face lift surgery is performed to lift cheeks back for a youthful look and create a well-defined face enhancing the appearance. Eyelid incisions are made to lift cheeks.

Brow lift surgery

It is also known as forehead lift. Brow lift surgery is performed to minimize wrinkles, enhance frown lines, raise saggy eyebrows putting them in a youthful position. Incisions are made above the forehead within the hairline.

Temple lift surgery

It is a procedure performed to correct wrinkles in forehead, lines between two eyebrows and lift saggy eyebrows and forehead entirely. A bilateral temporal incision is made within the hair above the ears.

Neck lift surgery

It is also known as lower rhytidectomy. It is a procedure performed to improve aging signs in jawline and neck. Incisions are made beginning within the hairline at sideburn level continuing down around the ear and ending in the posterior hair.

Full facelift surgery

It is a surgical procedure that takes approximately 3 to 4 hours under general anaesthesia. In a full facelift surgery in Turkey, the incision starts from the temples, extending along the hairline to the back of the ear lobes. Contrary to a mini facelift, this procedure also targets the upper part of the face, namely the temples.

The suitable type of facelift in Turkey is decided according to your face needs and your doctor’s opinions. There are two mostly preferred techniques of facelift surgeries in Turkey. One is classical face lift. In classical face lift, incisions are made in different places on the face depending on the type of face lift surgery. The other method is endoscopic face lift. This technique is applied with tiny surgical cams called endoscopy. The type of technique depends on your face condition and the type of face lift.

Facelift surgery Cost in 2024 at Estemoon Clinic, Turkey

In 2024, Estemoon Clinic offers competitive and transparent pricing for facelift surgery in Turkey. With an average cost ranging between $3,000 to $6,000, Estemoon stands out for its exceptional quality of service and experienced surgical team. This price range is in line with the standard rates for facelift procedures in Turkey, making Estemoon a top choice for individuals seeking affordable yet high-quality cosmetic surgery options.”

“For those considering facelift surgery, Estemoon Clinic provides comprehensive packages that include pre-operative consultations, surgical fees, anesthesia costs, post-operative care, and follow-up appointments. The clinic’s commitment to affordability without compromising on safety or results makes it a sought-after destination for patients looking to enhance their appearance with a facelift procedure in 2024.