
Eyebrow Transplant

What is Eyebrow Transplant?

The eyebrow hairs and the hair on the head have a growth phase and a resting phase. In many cases, over plucking of the eyebrows, skin disorders (such as circular hair loss), Permanent Make-Up, chemotherapy, etc. cause deformation or even a loss of eyebrow hair.

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Eyebrow Transplant Turkey
Before and After

Eyebrow Planting Procedure

Using local anesthesia, the eyebrow transplant in Turkey procedure is performed in a hair transplant operation theater. Full anesthesia is not needed. According to the patient’s desire, the doctor designs and shapes the eyebrow, while paying special attention to balance them with other face features.

Using local anesthesia, the hair is extracted from the back of the head and then split into singular hairs using the microscope (keep in mind that a follicle may contain more than 1 hair). Later, these hairs are placed in the prepared eyebrow area one by one in tiny incursion cuts. The trichologist will make the incisions and implantation of the new hair in a way that the direction and spacing looks natural. After transplant, the new hairs will grow in 3-4 months after the procedure. The best results will be visible in 6-8 months.

Why Consider an Eyebrow Transplant in Turkey?

It is true that now Turkey is the best place to do different hair transplants as this country has a lot to offer.

Eyebrow Hair Transplantat in Turkey

Eyebrow transplant Turkey is really affordable for people who want to look and feel better, from Europe to the Middle East, from Americas to Asia. Services offered in Turkey are of best quality and at an affordable price. The surgeons are highly experienced  and the prices are relatively cheaper than in other countries, making Turkey the top preferred place.

Of course, in Turkey the number one destination is Istanbul. Not only for its tourist attractions but also to have hair transplants, especially eyebrows. After the transplant and while recovering you can easily visit its many attractions.

If you are interested with eyebrow transplant you can contact us any time. Our experienced doctors and expert teams want to help you. We can give the best price of eyebrow transplant in Turkey and best service.

Eyebrow Transplant Cost in 2024 at Estemoon Clinic, Turkey

If you’re considering an eyebrow transplant in 2024, Estemoon in Turkey is a top destination offering high-quality services at competitive prices. The average cost for an eyebrow transplant in Turkey ranges between $1,500 and $3,500, making it an affordable option compared to other countries. Estemoon prides itself on using advanced techniques and experienced professionals to ensure natural-looking results. With a growing reputation for excellence in aesthetic procedures, Estemoon provides a cost-effective solution for those looking to enhance their eyebrows without compromising on quality.

Choosing Estemoon for your eyebrow transplant means benefiting from both expertise and affordability. The clinic’s team of skilled surgeons is dedicated to providing personalized care tailored to your unique needs. In addition to competitive pricing, Estemoon offers comprehensive packages that include consultations, the procedure, and post-operative care, ensuring a smooth and satisfactory experience. For anyone seeking to restore or enhance their eyebrows, Estemoon in Turkey stands out as a premier choice in 2024, combining superior results with attractive pricing.