
Brow Lift in Turkey

What is a Eyebrow Lift Turkey?

Eyebrow lift in Turkey or also known as the forehead surgery, is a cosmetic surgery for achieving a more youthful appearance by raising the eyebrows and reducing frown lines between the eyes and wrinkle lines on the forehead. You will find a rich selection of clinics offering brow lifts in Turkey, particularly in the country’s cultural capital, Istanbul.

Brow Lift

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Eyebrow Lift in Turkey Before & After

Eyebrow Lift procedure in Turkey

Eyebrow lift surgery in Turkey usually takes less than two hours and is performed under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation.

The brow lift in Turkey can be performed with the classic lift method or the endoscopic lift method. In the former, a coronal incision is made around the hairline, which raises the brow without changing the hairline’s height. This method is usually advised for patients with high foreheads.

The endoscopic lift is performed by making smaller incisions in the hairline area and securing the tissue in a less invasive manner compared to the classic method. This method leaves fewer scars and has a shorter recovery period.

Patient profile – Eyebrow lifts are usually sought by patients with aging skin in the brow area. You should be healthy and ideally a nonsmoker in order to have a brow lift in Turkey.

Costs – Costs of eyebrow lifts can vary widely according to the surgeon’s experience and the exact type of procedure. Costs of a brow lift in Turkey and many other cosmetic procedures are much lower compared to Europe and the US.

Always inquire about the full price, which considers the price of brow lift surgery in Turkey and additional costs such as anesthesia fees, operating room facilities and hospital costs, examinations, second procedure cost if necessary, etc.

Consultation – During eyebrow lift consultations, the following is discussed: surgical goals; medical history; substances used currently, including medications, supplements, alcohol, drugs, and tobacco; current health status; the expected outcome; postoperative care and potential complications.

The forehead region, including the upper eyelids, is evaluated and marked during the consultation and photographs taken, after which the surgeon recommends an appropriate course of treatment.

It is advised to make full use of the consultation appointment in order to make as informed of a decision as possible. It is essential for the procedure’s success to honestly answer all of the surgeon’s inquiries and openly ask about anything requiring clarification.

Female forehead with wrinkles

What Can Be Combined With Eye Brow Lift?

Eyebrow lift in Turkey is a cosmetic operation that raises the brows. It is also known as a forehead lift or forehead rejuvenation. A brow lift in Turkey improves the appearance of the forehead, brow, and the area around the eyes by raising the soft tissue and skin of the forehead and brow. And, if it is needed and desired, surgeons can combine your brow lift surgery in Turkey with upper blepharoplasty and facelift. The reason behind this is to give you better and quicker results.

Brow Lift in Istanbul and Upper Blepharoplasty
Brow or upper blepharoplasty is typically performed in tandem with blepharoplasty to provide further top face and periorbital rejuvenation. Upper blepharoplasty is traditionally performed by meticulously excising lax and excess skin, muscle, and herniated fat, and because brow lift in Turkey operates on the same principles, combining the two would be easier and more successful.

Brow Lift and Facelift
Face-lifting is a method that can be used in conjunction with other operations. That instance, doctors may offer to operate in more than one location in order to give you with the best possible care. Let us think about it. What if you had a raised and taut face but droopy brows? Yes, it is a bad scenario. So the surgeon mixes these two surgeries to give you the greatest smile and facial appearance.

Risks and Side Effects

Just like other cosmetic procedures, an eyebrow lift surgery in Turkey may result in unwanted consequences. The following are some of the uncommon brow lift side effects:

  • Stitches that need to be physically removed by your doctor, instead of disappearing naturally

  • Discomfort or dehydration of the eyes, as well as difficulties with the eyelids

  • Incongruity of the brows

  • Loss of hair and a raised hairline around the cuts.

  • Hematoma, which is a deposit of blood under the skin caused by bleeding under the skin.

  • Face nerve damage resulting in trembling, paralysis, or pain

  • Inflammation, agony, and scars

  • Skin thinning and uneven skin contours

  • Poor recuperation